Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thoughts on state government

I am not sure if it is just apathy or if there is a real reason why we as tax payers and voters do not get more involved.

In my case, finishing my degree, 2 kids and a full-time job paying a mortgage...finding the time to "get involved" would be a luxury. So really the question is: If I am busy taking care of my responsibilities and the other people like me are doing like-wise what's to stop the unfettered abuses being carried out by state and town officials here in MA?

There is just one smoke screeen after another with the raising toll controversy to the gas tax to putting chips in the inspection stickers of cars to track milage and tax etc... All the while the Governor has the audacity to call the voters position "trivial" and that he is more focused to important issues...Important to who?

All in all there are too many personal interests being served in the government and not enough public issues being served.

There was once an idea that the government would allow for equality among all where by they protect the minority from thetyranny of the majority and in the working sector unions would protect abuses of employers.

The pendulum has swung so far that the minority is the tyrant demanding their individual positions be recognized and allowed. Additionally the unions are the tyrants over business in an age where fair labor laws have evolved to protect all employees union or not.

So where's Deval going to allocate the bail-out money, as if we need to ask...I can already see the line of voting block leaders lining up at the door of the State House with their hand out.

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