Thursday, March 19, 2009

Economic "Kansas City Shuffle"

160 million Come on! If Mark Texieria for the NY Yankees gets that kind of money for playing a childs game 2/3 of the year and works less than 40 hrs a week why are we not enraged about that?

Before anyone jumps on the obvious, that it is our tax dollars, remember that the company should have been allowed to fail. Since that didn't happen if you were one of the employees that spent 80 to 100 hrs a week away from your family and friends trying hard to keep your responsibilities on track, working with your fellow employees to achieve a common goal. Achieving that goal despite the failings of the company. You did all this hard work and sacraficed when you finally achieve what you worked for you get the bonus that was contractually obligated to you. The current administration is decimating that spirit of hard work and sacrafice is is being incredibly dangerous with their policies.

To keep it simple: 160,000,000 (aig bonus) divided by 3,700,000,000,000 (3.7 trillion proposed budget) equals 4/100000 of 1% or 0.000004 of the total budget proposed.

I get why the current administration wants everyone to focus on AIG but I don't understand why they are not doing more to justify the 3.7 trillion budget proposal.

This is a classic "Kansas City Shuffle" Gain your attention over here (aig) while we are "conning" you over there where you're not looking.

Here is a link to how Obama is trying to get support for his budget (Pay special attention to the comment "Map out and identify support" respond to me about your thoughts to this ):

Here is a link to a local bank that doesn't have any bad debt or mortagages in foreclosure:^1793570&page=1

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