Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama is Econonomic Kryptonite; 2010 can't come fast enough

Based on polling data, personal conversations & even the main stream media's position it seems as though Barack Obama has officially, as they say, "jumped the shark"

Because the president has lost the ability to engage the republicans and even the fiscally conservative democrats in his own party he is hardening his position with respect to his budget. It seems as though he is proceeding down a more punitive path because those in congress that disagree with his plan would like it altered and he has postured himself as the "you're either with us or against us." president. Where have we heard that before (Bush 2004 post re-election)

The one thing Obama can't control is the effect his beliefs are having on the economy so he is forced to try to compel foreign banks to violate their privacy laws to help fund his planned socialistic state.

In 2010 (mid-term elections) the people who so emotionally voted for this massive shift to an all democrat state will not make it to the polls and the people who do vote will probably do exactly what America for change even if the opposing candidate to the democratic party has no experience or at least as much a Barack Obama had when he was a senator...and that is to say not much.

As college students if you think your prospects are bad now...just wait you be earning the same or less than the employee next to you at your state/federal subsidized job who did not go to college. Good luck out there.

Here is an editorial from investors business daily:


  1. There's no way you can judge Obama's economic policies already after just two months in office. It usually takes around two years for new economic policies to fully take effect. So let's give Obama at least that amount of time before we decide whether or not his economic policies are working...

  2. I'll tell you who's jumped the shark: Mr. Limbaugh.
