Friday, April 3, 2009

Question to the media: What happend to the War in IRAQ?

I am amazed that the general American public has such a short attention span. There is an old saying that: a person is smart...people are stupid. That just may be the case when it comes to consumption of the media.

During the previous administration every day, hour, minute there were negative reports on our involvement in IRAQ. Where are these daily reports now? There was reporting on the tally of soldiers lives that were being lost. There were reports on one failed operation after another.

So I asked the question: What has changed? We still have soldiers in the same numbers doing what they were doing before in IRAQ.

I say shame on the media for capitalizing on the deaths of our soldiers that fight and die all in an effort to advance an ideaology. Without those soldiers they would not have the freedom they enjoy.

I say shame on the media for not keeping the same level of coverage and spin and apply that to the efforts of the current administration.

Finally, I say shame on the consumers that don't demand more objectivity regardless of the current administration and their ideals.

Final question is this: How quickly do you think a true, objective independent news media organization would get frozen out of all communication if one were to actually exist...

Answer: Less than a nano-second.

I leave you with this: Don't just consider the information you are getting now from your chosen news outlet but rather compare the tone and tenner of that information with prior reports and ask critical questions as to what has changed if anything.


  1. I think that right now people are distracted with everything else going on and forgetting we're even still in Iraq. The new presidency,our economic status as well as Afghanistan/Pakistan situation are taking up the headlines. I think a lot of people are confused on the war too (the people we're fighting, the overall mission) which makes it harder for them to consume any news that is out there. It's also that that the people as a whole's attention span is that of a fly. Whatever new issue comes up they focus on that until the next issue arises (much like the spur of patriotism after 9/11). But yes, it's sad that people are forgetting about all of our soldiers still fighting over there.

  2. I thinks It's wierd how Obama was against the war, then all of a sudden he is for the war. He wants to send 40,00 troops overseas. What the heck happend? I guess all canidates are the same huh?

  3. This should still be one of the lead stories on the news every night. The news media keeps ignoring it and then the public just tends to forget that its happening. Right now, it seems like all the media wants to talk about is swine flu, when there are definitely more important things they could be discussing.
