Monday, February 2, 2009

Media is praying on the weak

I am not sure we all agree on this one but I have several friends, contacts, colleagues and clients that do agree...The media is making the current instability in the economic situation into an unstable emotional response from the public.

People make decisions based on emotion and justify their decisions with logic...that we know is human nature. Until now we would get our logical justifications from multiple sources we considered credible. Primarily the sources we choose are the easiest ones to source and what's easier than having the media come to you to tell you what to think about?

Here I present something I learned: Think of the idea of a "trim tab" a trim tab is the small rudder inside the larger rudder which allows large ships (cruise liners, freighters, QEII etc...) to begin the task of turning the rudder. In life we need to be trim tabbing for the future that is to say making the right small moves that will transgress into larger moves that are positive for our collective future.

If we continue to let the media paralyze us with fear pretty soon even our trim tab will seize and we will be heading right toward the iceberg. The media may be licking their chops for that moment but when no one can buy the products from the advertisers they will be reduced to handing out mimeo-graph news stories or worse yet, type-set news papers which no one will pay for anyway.

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