Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting ready for the biggest sale ever! almost 1 trillion!

I will be interested to see how the media covers the Obama address related to the proposed stimulus.

I fully expect it to be long on rhetoric and short on details.

I think part of the plan should allow Americans to cut a check to the governmen't each month instead of the confiscatory approach now in place.

What would this achieve one might ask? The answer is simple: When people have to spend anywhere from 18 to 38 percent of their earnings (those who earn enough to pay taxes) for government operations they will start taking a harder look at what they are getting for their money.

Hold on to your hats and glasses people, we're in for a bumpy ride!

1 comment:

  1. Should be very interesting what will unfold in the next few years. With all politics for that matter... I just saw today that Governer Deval Patrick has proposed to raise the MA gas tax up 27 cents! They say that this will eliminate the need for several tolls on the MA Pike. My question is, if they raise the gas tax, will anyone afford to drive on these fewer tolled roads? We will see what will happen...
