Friday, January 23, 2009

5 questions in 5 minutes

Funny, I actually felt the pressure when the pop-up saying I had a minute to finish came up. I am wondering if anyone else experienced this?


  1. Like that last-second shot at the buzzer! What do you think--is the timer cruel and unusual? I want to test general knowledge and understanding without having you do an open-book number on me! Ha!

  2. I almost enjoyed the shot clock aspect of the quizzes sadly i nearly cried the first time! I never realized how quick five minutes is. Bjorn must be subconsciously teaching us modern media time management. Then when I was able to capture my inner John Stockton and remembered my clock management I was able to make the winning play....or pass it to Karl Malone.

  3. ya that time limit makes me nervous! 5 minutes goes by way to fast and the last question...and the seconds going down! ya anxiety! haha

  4. I was totally freaking out. The first two were very intense. When that pop-up came up at first, I didn't click on it, I was continuing thinking about the question I was on, and then I noticed it wasn't counting down, but then when I finally clicked on it, all this time had passed! I think I'm getting used to them now though.
